
A combination of a set $S$ is a term usually used to denote an unordered selection of the element of $S$. It is simply a selection of a subset of $S$.

  • $r$-combination = $r$-subset.
  • $n\choose r$ is the number of $r$-subset in the set of size $n$.


For $0 \leq r \leq n$, we have: $$ P(n, r) = r! {n \choose r} \text{ and } {n \choose r} = \frac{n!}{r!(n-r)!} $$ Proof

Let $S$ be a set of size $n$. $S = \set{s_1, …, s_n}$

First, let us choose a string of size $r$ formed by elements of $S$ ($r$-permutation): $$ \mathcal{P}(n, r) = \set{(s_{i1}, …, s_{ir}): s_{ij} \in S, \text{all distinct}} $$ And define: $$ \mathcal{C}(n, r) = \text{set of subsets of }S \text{ with size }r $$ Define the function: $$ f:\mathcal{P}(n, r) \to \mathcal{C}(n, r)\ f(s_{i1}, …, s_{ir}) = \set{s_{i1}, …, s_{ir}} $$ Consider: How many times a set is being counted?

Ans: $r!$

Then we have: $$ |\mathcal{P}(n, r)| = r!|\mathcal{C}(n, r)| $$


$$ {n \choose r} = {n \choose {n-r}} $$


There is a $4 \times 6$ grid. Starting from bottom left and ending at top right. You can only choose up or right move. How many different paths can you take?

There is a bijection between these paths and the set of strings of size 10 of the form: $(a_1, a_2,…, a_{10})$, where each $a_i$ is $U$ or $R$. ($URUURR…$). But since the number of $U$’s = 4, the number of distributing 4 $U$’s in a string of size 10 is $10 \choose 4$.


Let $S$ be a multiset with objects of $k$ different types, where each object has an infinite repetition number. Then, the number of $r$-permutations of $S$ is $k^r$.


There are $r$ position to be filled in. Each position has $k$ choices since we have infinite number of each type in this multiset S. This gives us $k^r$

Another examle: $S = \set{a, a, b}$. If we want 3-permutation of S. In this case, $(a, a, a)$ is not a 3-permutation of S.


Let the size of $S$ be $n = n_1 + … + n_k$. Then the number of permutations of $S$ is equal to: $$ \frac{n!}{(n_1)!(n_2)!… (n_k)! } $$


Let $a_1^1, …, a_{n_1}^1$ be a labelling of the elements of type 1.

Let $a_1^2, …, a_{n_2}^2$ be a labelling of the elements of type 2.

Let $a_1^3, …, a_{n_3}^3$ be a labelling of the elements of type 3.

Let $a_1^k, …, a_{n_k}^k$ be a labelling of the elements of type 3.

Consider the set $S’ = \set{a_1^1, …, a_{n_1}^1, …, a_1^k, …, a_{n_k}^k}$

The permutations of $S’ = n!$. Then we can create a function: $$ f:\set{\text{permutations of }S’} \to {\text{permutation of }S}\ f(\text{string} = \text{string where the labels are removed}) $$ Removing the label makes all those elements in the same type indistinguishable. (You cannot tell the different between $a_1^1$ and $a_2^1$ if the lable is removed.)

Consider: For a given permutation $A$ of $S$, what’s the number of the set $\set{S: f(S) = A}$?

Ans: $(n_1)!(n_2)! … (n_k)!$


How many ways do we have of partitioning the set $\set{1, 2, …, 10}$ into 3 sets: out of size 2, out of size 3, and another of size 5?

Solution 1: $$ {10 \choose 2} {8 \choose 3} {5 \choose 5} = {10 \choose 5} {5 \choose 3} {2 \choose 2} $$ Solution 2:

Define the set: $\mathcal{P}(10) =$ set of all permutations of $\set{1, …, 10}$. Then, $|\mathcal{P} = 10!|$

Define: $f: \mathcal{P} \to \set{\text{Box configurations}}$ by: $$ f(a_1, …, a_{10}) = \left( \set{a_1, a_2}, {a_3, a_4, a_5}, {…} \right) $$

Question: Given a box configuration $\mathcal{B}$, what is the number $\set{S:f(S) = \mathcal{B}}$, where $S$ are strings?

$$ |\mathcal{P}(10)| = |\text{Box configuration}| \cdot 2! \cdot 3! \cdot 5! $$ This gives us: $$ |\text{Box configuration}| = \frac{|\mathcal{P}(10)|}{2! \cdot 3! \cdot 5!} $$

Theorem 2.4.3

Let $n$ be a positive integer and let $n_1, n_2, … ,n_k$ be positive integers with $n = n_l + n_2 + … + n_k$· The number of ways to partition a set of $n$ objects into k labeled boxes in which Box 1 contains $n_1$ objects, Box 2 contains $n_2$ objects, … , Box $k$ contains $n_k$ objects equals: $$ \frac{n!}{n_1! \cdot n_2! \cdot \cdot \cdot n_k!} $$

Theorem 2.5.1

Let $S$ be a multiset with objects of $k$ types, each with an infinite repetition number. Then, the number of $r$-combinations of $S$ equals to: $$ {{r + k - 1} \choose r} $$ Proof

Now: we need to select a submultiset. Each submultiset is associated to a solution of:

\begin{align*} X_1 + ... + X_k &= r\\ X_1, ..., X_k &\in \mathbb{N} \cup \set{0} \end{align*} Let $\mathcal{S}$ be the set of solutions.

Define: $f: \mathcal{S} \to \set{0, 1 \text{ bit strings with } k - 1 \text{ ones and }r \text{ zeros}}$ by :

$f(x_1, …, x_k) = (00 …0(X_1\text{ zeros})) 1 (00 …0(X_2\text{ zeros})) 1 … (00 …0(X_k\text{ zeros}))$

Given $s \in f(\mathcal{S})$, the number of 1’s in $s = k - 1$, and the number of 0’s in $s = r$.

Easy to check that this function $f$ is a bijection.

$\mathcal{R} =$ set of 0-1 strings with $k-1$ 1’s and $r$ 0’s. It suffices to show: $|\mathcal{R}| = |\mathcal{S}|$. $\blacksquare$


A bakery boasts eight varieties of doughnuts. If a box of doughnuts contains one dozen, how many different options are there for a box of doughnuts?

We need to calculate the number of solutions for: $X_1 + … + X_8 = 12$, which is: ${8 + 12 - 1} \choose 12$.


What is the number of integral solutions of the equation $X_1 + X_2 + X_3 + X_4 = 20$, in which $X_1 \geq 3, X_2 \geq 1, X_3 \geq 0, X_4 \geq 5$?


\begin{align*} X_1 &= Y_1 + 3\\ X_2 &= Y_2 + 1\\ X_3 &= Y_3\\ X_4 &= Y_4 + 5\\ \end{align*}

This gives us: $Y_1 + Y_2 + Y_3 + Y_4 = 20 - (3 + 1 + 0 + 5) = 11$

The number of solutions with $Y_i \in \mathbb{N} \cup \set{0} = {14 \choose 3}$

Reference:, MATH 413, Leticia Dias Mattos