Definition Problem: Given $n$ points $P = \set{p_1, \ldots, p_n} \subset \mathbb{R}^2$, compute $\text{CH}(P) = $ smallest convex set contining $P$.
Input: a list of points all the points in $P$.
Output: a list of points in $P$ that belongs to this convex set in CCW, starting from the left most point.
Given a huge point cloud, convex hull helps find the “shape”.
Bounding volume. Makes ray shooting tasks faster.
Extreme points. It gives the most extreme points in any given direction.
Farthest pair.
Line separation. Natural, but not fastest.
Now, let’s design some algorithms!
Math properties
$$ \begin{align*} \text{CH}(P) &= \bigcap_{\text{convex } S \supseteq P} S = \bigcap_{\text{half plane } h \supseteq P} h \\ &= \set{ \text{all convex combinations of } p_1, \ldots, p_n}\\ &= \bigcup_{i, j, k} \set{\text{all convex triples $i, j, k$ (triangle)}} \end{align*} $$
Convex combination:
$$ \sum_{i = 1}^{n} a_i p_i, \; \sum_{i = 1}^{n} a_i = 1, a_i \geq 0. $$
Lemma $p_i$ is a vertex of $\text{CH}(P)$ iff $\exists$ line through $p_i$ such that $P$ lines on one side. (all other points on one side.)
Lemma $p_i p_j$ is an edge of $\text{CH}(P)$ iff $P$ lines on one side of line $p_ip_j$.
Note: suffice to compute upper hull(UH) to solve CH. UH is divided by $\min x, \max x$.
Brute force
for i = 1..n
for j = 1..n
flag = true
for k = 1..n
if p_k above p_i p_j then flag = false
if flag then output p_i p_j
$O(n^3)$ time.
Some simple post processing is required to get the correct output.
Implement issues:
- How to test $p_k$ is above $p_ip_j$?
- Degeneracies
- precision issues.
1. Test above
Say $p_i$ is on the left of $p_j$ (smaller $x$).
We say $p_k$ below $p_ip_j$
iff $p_k$ is at the right of $\vec{p_ip_j}$
iff $p_ip_jp_k$ is in CW order
iff $(x_k, y_k)$ below line with equation: $y - y_i = \frac{y_j - y_i}{x_j - x_i}(x - x_i)$
iff $y_k - y_i < \frac{y_j - y_i}{x_j - x_i}(x_k - x_i)$ .
iff $(y_k - y_i)(x_j - x_i) < (y_j - y_i)(x_k - x_i)$. This is a cross product!
$$ 2 \cdot \text{signed area of }\Delta p_ip_jp_k \begin{vmatrix} 1 & x_i & y_i\\ 1 & x_j & y_j\\ 1 & x_k & y_k\\ \end{vmatrix} < 0 $$
The good thing about the determinant test is that it extends to higher dimensions.
2. Degeneracies
What if some points are on the edge in real world data? We don’t consider it in theory :))) We consider the points in “general position”.
3. Precision
More messy stuff…
Algorithm 1: Jaruis March(1973) / “gift wrapping”
Looks like a selection sort.
Idea: go from one UH vertex to next.
q_1 = the leftmost point. <--- O(n) time.
for i = 1 to n do {
if (q_i = rightmost point) then {
return (q_1, ..., q_i)
q_{i+1} = any init point to the right.
for k = 1 to n do {
if (p_k right of q_i) AND (p_k above q_iq_{i+1}) then {
q_{i+1} = p_k
$O(n^2)$ running time.
Algorithm 2: Graham Scan (1972)
Looks like an insertion sort.
- add points one at a time and maintain the UH. (Incremental approach).
- go from left to right. (Sweeping technique)
- We add the highest point on the scanning line, then update the hull by relaxing. Keep deleting suffix untill a CW appears.
I will skip the pseudocode.
Naively $O(n^2)$. But, what if we bound the number of iterations for relaxation? Observation, the total relaxation time is bounded by $O(n)$.
$$ O(n + \# \text{decrement}) \leq O(n + \# \text{increment}) = O(n) $$
But we do have a sorting in $O(n \log n)$.